Thursday, August 28, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

There has been lots going on over at the Souza house. First we had birthdays coming out our ears, between the Souza's and the Ellis family we had Uncle Steve( Mike's brother) Lorrin, Jackson, and Travis all in one week ya crazy! I didn't think I would ever say this but birthday cake gets old when you eat it all week. During all the birthday parties we had a visit with Uncle Steve who came out to visit with us for most of the month of Aug.

For Travis birthday he wanted to have Jeep Wars so we had Jeep Wars in the morning then in the evening I made a birthday dinner with just the family it was a really nice day.

Then we went on Vacation the third week in Aug we went camping up at Pinecrest, as a child this is where I spent my Summer vacations and I want to take Travis and the girls there and I think I have them hooked. It has not changed since I was a little girls it brought back lots of fond memories.

Our little Allison is 3 months old already can you believe that? She is doing so much, she is or has been holding her head up and is quit the little talker already. She is starting to really play with her toys and interact with her sisters. She is really a good baby the the only draw back is she won't take a bottle and won't sleep in her crib other than that she is really an easy baby. She loved our camping trip she sat in her swing and laid on the beach at the lake she loves the outdoors.

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