Friday, August 1, 2008

Allison is 2 Months old

Wow time is flying by can you believe Allison is already 2 months old. We had her two month check up on Wed and she is getting big. She weighs 12lbs and 8 oz and is 24 inches. The Dr. says she is 90% in weight and is 85% in height and that she is growing really nice. She put on 3 lbs in one month. On the down side she did have to get shots and let me tell you I'm making her next appt on one of Travis's days off that was horrible after she got the shots I picked her up and she grabbed on to me like a little monkey she held on so tight, I felt so bad. I had both the other girls with me and I think it was just as hard on them as it was on me. Emily told me that Allison was not going to get anymore shots because it made her sad to see her baby sister get hurt.

We have a busy weekend, we are going to my cousins little girls birthday party on Sat. My Cousin lives in Arizona and this will be our first time meeting Mylee. It has been a few years since I have seen my cousin I am very excited. Then on Sunday is our Jeep War day there might even be some new kids watch neighbors the Souza's are taking over.

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